Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 3 Discussion Questions

Please submit your question for Week 3 by using the "comment" function of this post.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 2 Discussion Questions

Hi all,

As I mentioned in our first session, I created a thread entitled "Week 2 Discussion Questions" under the section on the blackboard. However, I heard that some of you weren't able to access it on the blackboard.

So I am creating this new post. You can submit your question for Week 2 by using the "comment" function of this post.

I will generate a new post every weekend for you to post your questions which are due on Mondays.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

GS 215 blogging assignments

Hi everyone,

This is the blog for our section. You can use it as an opportunity to share a news story that relates to our class and tell us what you think. Or you can raise a question about gender. The question doesn't have to be about our class readings. Or you can respond to your classmates' comments or questions.

No blogging for Week 1. We will start from Week 2.

Have a good weekend.
